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Old 02-13-11, 03:30 PM   #596
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Originally Posted by Damo View Post
Gryffon, we need to remember one thing here, the language barrier. By saying 'ugly' it's probably not how you translate it as a personal attack, rather he means it's not nice to risk sinking a neutral on the hunch that it is coercing with the allies but as you say, war is not nice, however if he wishes to err on the side of caution then fine, he'll justy never be the next Prien. Also, the language barrier works both ways, in that he may not have fully understood our explanations the first time around. I really don't think there is any malice, backed up by the fact that with both items you quoted he added a smiley face, probably because he knew it may be interpreted wrongly. I mean talking about this confuses me to hell sometimes and both me and I speak English!!

Lack of body language and voicetone on the interwebs is the sole cause of flame wars 85.7% of the time. And don't quote me, I made that percentage up....

Oh and true neutrals will not show any info other than the game's assigned name, so either M07X if you didn't follow my instructions above for englishnames.cfg or Medium Merchant 07 if you did. No cargo or crew details will be assigned for any X ships in neutral or allied countries roster folders. Hence why we are trying to find a solution for those in the enemy roster folders. The ones you have sunk are probably M07B's with neutral skins, hence the addition of the extra info (M07B/X as just an example).'s a game, not a war
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