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Old 02-10-11, 11:19 PM   #560
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by Sailor Steve View Post
I guess I could go back through all the MFM names and remove anything that isn't specifically American or British. The problem is that pretty much every nation used similar-looking ships, and some of them are designs used by everyone. The good news is that a huge amount of ships changed hands but not names, so though the Maersk line is Danish, there were a great many seized by the British at the outset of the war. Also, as I've pointed out in the past, M35B has British and Canadian names, and M27B is a type used by almost every European nation. But sinking a British ship and getting a Dutch name isn't so bad, for the reasons listed above.

Likewise the 'A' classes. Many US ships flew the Panamanian flag for tax purposes, and a great many US ships had Spanish-sounding names, so any mixup inside the 'A' and 'B' ships is reasonably plausible. Even if every ship appeared in every roster the flags would still rarely match the names. That could only be done with an individual file for each ship, and as IABL and I have both mentioned this is pretty much impossible with SH3.
I'm looking at Ship Names from so many angles now, my head is spinning.

Still I think any way to get names in the logs for all those neutral classes, for those who use them and may sink them when appropriate, would be cool. Any way you look at it though, it's complicated!

Especially considering that I'm also still playing around with the idea of different files entirely for early war and late war.

You do so much fantastic work on this already, I absolutely don't want you to feel like people are demanding an even bigger task than Ship Names already involves!

I just like throwing things out there to see what's possible, and find out what's not from those who know better. Still learning the ropes of how all these different files/folders/etc. work together, all in all I think it was easier when I was just going into the logs and changing names around after the fact.

But if nothing else I'm gradually working my way through the existing file and noting which ships are which nationality, where I can, and have a basic table set up for all the countries (at least the ones on the Flaggen chart) indicating their status as AL/AX/Neutral at different times... oy... some of them changed more than once, it's crazy!

For me I just have to keep reminding myself that the end result I want is something that will not give me a name of a ship that I absolutely would NOT have sunk, for any reason, at a particular time in the war. Most notably this involves US ships prior to Dec 1941, obviously. Getting names for the MFM 'x' class ships is adding a whole 'nother fish to the kettle.
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