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Old 01-12-11, 06:01 PM   #115
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Originally Posted by OneShot View Post
Amen to that - the 2 times I actually installed and played SH3, the first thing I did was disable the crew managment.

And dont tell me this stuff adds to immersion or realism. In reality there is a watchsystem onboard a ship/boat and everybody knows where he has to be and when. Thats certainly not something that has to be handled by the CO 24hrs.
Absolutely, the only thing about the crew management which really could be an interesting part is qualifying them to be better operators of the stations. Btw in SH4 the Crew Management was better becauseit was automatet, things like battlestations you have to order as it should be but no more single movement of every little sailor from station to station....

What i want also is an "living" ocean. Hell there are so many fishes and whales and so on out there but even at the campaign missions there wherer rarely some "natural noise sources", also in the other missions there wherent that much. No wonder you have to place them and select a behavior for every single whale or shrimp.... The Ocean should live.
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