Thread: First sim?
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Old 01-08-11, 12:58 AM   #4
Grey Wolf
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Default SIM no more!

OK to sum up:

1) Best, no contest, tank sim available SB.Downside expensive to purchase and not recommended unless you plan on playing it seriously and dedicate yourself to it for years to come.

2) Best WWII title currently available SF.Downside no MP, and AI is iconsistent.

3) Tvst( stock game) not recommended buggy, scripted and even MP is shaky.

4)TvsT Kursk ZeeWolf mod. Much improved but expensive and work in progress

5) PE, OK for beginners with lots of mods but dated in every aspect and AI is primitive.

6) T72 BoF or Iron Warriors(depends where you buy it).Cheap and not too difficult but limited replay, dated graphics and not very immersive.

That's it!

Otherwise you hava other games but they're either first shooters ARMA and ARMA II, Red Orchestra or rts of the Achtung Panzer Kharkov 1943 type, Men of War, Soldiers Heroes of WWII, Codename Panzers , Theatre of War etc
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