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Old 01-07-11, 10:29 AM   #10
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Looks like your figuring it out using the test missions!! That's good.

This is the only way to see just what the optical FoV is in the game. You may (or may not) already know this, but when your using the mouse to move the periscope, also use the Control Key (Ctrl) to slow down the movement of the drag feature. This makes the periscope movement a bit more precise when setting it to a point you want to read to attain its bearing.

I've just updated the "Optical Test Mission Pack" found HERE with an additional German test mission. For those that have downloaded prior to today's date please download the Mission Pack again if you wish to check the German side of play.


Originally Posted by keltos01
can you set a different camera angle for high power ? so that I get my 6° FOV ????
You see that's the problem. Both German and American side periscopes used optics that were multiples (of 4) when they were switching from High Power magnification to Low Power and back again. The game devs knew this and only have one AngularAngle setting for both magnifications since the single "control parameter" could be hard coded for which ever magnification you choose.

So, the French use a high and low magnification (and different FoV sizes)that isn't a multiple of each other, and here lies the rub. You could make just one magnification work by eliminating one of the magnifications and sizing the AngularAngle to fit the one you choose to keep. But, unless there's a multiple factor between the two (or how ever many magnification you use) I don't think the game will allow you to correctly size the scope.

The HMS Shannon vs. USS Chesapeake outside Boston Harbor June 1, 1813

USS Chesapeake Captain James Lawrence lay mortally wounded...
.."tell the men to fire faster, fight 'till she sinks,..boys don't give up the ship!"
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