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Old 12-07-10, 10:44 PM   #105
frau kaleun
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Come to think of it, I'm not sure I ever properly introduced myself.

I'm Frau Kaleun, and I frequent places like Subsim and my cubicle at work and the local martial arts dojo. I'm also the founder of a new political party, the Frau Kaleun Hits People Over The Head With An Angry Wombat Party.

Our platform is simple and to the point: we advocate the legalization of Frau Kaleun hitting people over the head with an angry wombat.

Now, I'm not saying I would ever hit anyone over the head with an angry wombat. I certainly do not view the act of hitting people over the head with ill-tempered Australian mammals in a favorable light. However I see no reason why I shouldn't be able to pursue the kinds of relationships where other people might find themselves getting hit over the head in that fashion, provided the other people involved are the kinds of people whose noggins appear worthy (to me) of a good hard smack with a small marsupial who is already having a really bad day. All I want is to give other people the freedom to be hit over the head with an angry wombat, by me, should they choose to engage in that activity.

I'm Frau Kaleun, and I approved the hitting of this post over the head with an angry wombat.
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