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Old 11-02-10, 12:20 AM   #2
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What submarines come in the add-on that are playable?
The IXd2 and type 18 Walther are the only ones that come with the pack. However, the popular mod Operation Monsun, adds the rest of the U-boat types, and an atlantic campaign to boot.
Do the Kriegsmarine Grid-Maps show up on the maps station (F3) overlapping the original Lat/Long format?
I can't jog my brain to remember, but I think so, but it's not very obvious to the point where you can't read the KM grid map
I've had the nerve to venture out into the Atlantic, and sometimes even use the Mission Editor to put me there. When I send a status report it says I'm in Grid Square DQ19 etc.; will I be able to see where these Grids actually are once I have the mod?
yes, see the answer to your first question
Now we all know the stock version of these lack terribly in helping us destroy our targets. I've found it difficult to identify targets at long range with the stock periscope, my XO is terrible at determining correct Angle on Bow even with extremely long amounts of time to figure it out, and the spread knob has to be turned each time I fire a torpedo. Are these fixed in the Add-On
although I'm not up-to-speed with everything, I'm 99.9% sure there are fixes for this.
It seems that no matter what submarine you use, you can't dive below this level and hover the ship. If you aren't moving at a minimum engine speed of 2/3, the ship continues sinking. Is that issue repaired as well?
I believe so.
I'm 19 and I live alone on a very limited budget, so cut me some slack
That makes two of us.
since the Type 7C is what we are stuck with
actually, you get the VIIA,B,C,and C/41

AS for the rest, SH5 is still mostly virgin ground for modders, unfortunately it's proving to be tougher to get much past eye candy fixed and since support for it is now gone (no more patches, an expansion is as likely as winning the lottery, etc) It's hard to say where it will end up in a couple years time.

SH4 has been expanded to include battleships, cruisers, a lot more submarines, with a plethora of environmental mods and other things, you can flavor the game to taste and enjoy the living crap out of it for years to come.
I'm the second in command of The Surface Warfare SuperMod, and we are looking to add a very believable and true-to-life surface campaign for all major navies into SH4, and it looks like you want to help...

as of right now, you can buy both SH4 and the U-boat expansion for like 20 bucks. That's a tank of gas for my car so I know you can foot that much at least, there's no reason not to buy it, as a lot of mods coming out are for 1.5 and are incompatible with 1.4. 1.5 adds a lot to the game and I think it's worth every penny,

hope I helped,
Cold Waters Voice Crew - Fire Control Officer
Cmdr O. Myers - C/O USS Nautilus (SS-168)
114,000 tons sunk - 4 Spec Ops completed
V-boat Nutcase - Need supplies? Japanese garrison on a small island in the way? Just give us a call! D4C!
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