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Old 08-30-10, 02:01 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Fercyful View Post
reading carefully all the replies here and now I really want to buy this game but have just two questions: can you control the T-55 or T-72? and if you can, do they have "cockpits"?

for me the game will cost 125 x 4 = 500 in my money (those things of global economy... ) and really want to try those tanks...

They are non-crewable. That means they can be used by mission designer for both Blue and Red, and player can move them via planning, attaching movement commands to them, or via "remote control" from external view, that way handling their movement, but all onboard management and firing is done by the AI.

The playable T-72 is in high demand by players.Unfortunately, players are not what found esim's income, and their military customers have little use and thus no demand for a playable T-72. for them it is not part of their inventory (Fins being the exceptuion), but just a "target". It is sufficient if realistic means are needed to destroy it, and if it autonomously defends by by realsitic means.

SBP has four versions of the T-72, though, the M, M1, B and M4CZ versions. The latter two are a very different class than the T-72 that got destroyed in Iraq '91 and'03 in so huge masses. Those were downgraded, inferior export versions of early T-72-types.

eSim indicated that due to the shift in real policies, their customers shift orientation as well, and equipement for low intensity and assymmetrical wars becomes higher in demand. That's why we see an increasing ammount of fully modelled IFVs as well as armoured trucks, like the Bushmaster, the Eagle-IV, various APCs and IFVs and the Lemur RWS. Such things become more important than heavy tanks for the real military, and SBP's future developements will likely reflect that.

Which means that sooner or later they must start to improve the basic-at-best infantry aspect of the sim.

I had changed a scenario yesterday, playing in Leopard-1A5DKs and having assistance by M-60A3s (boy, these things are slow...), versus T-55s and T-62. Was a complete new ballgame. It also makes you marvel at what fantastic tank in its time the Leo-1 has been. Oh, and the battle with old ammo versus old armour was very, very lethal. Much more than modern ammo versus modern armour. From that experience the Germans seem to have been right to prioritize speed and mobility in the Leo-1. None of these four tanks is armoured sufficiently to give it good survival chances when being hit. seen that way you do not really miss anything with the T-55 not being crewable. Or do you enjoy getting shot up all the time? Fighting in a T-55 versus Leo-1s is not fun...

If editing such a mission for having no laser and thermals included, then it really becomes difficult.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 08-30-10 at 02:17 PM.
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