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Old 08-30-10, 05:48 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Werewolf View Post
no idiotic game behaviour,
Well, sometimes the AI messes things up, too, like any AI. The point is it does so rarely only. The autonomous micromanouvering works very well, and the formation manouvering and tactical behaviour depends on the mission designer.

Just one advise, one of the few hniggles with SBP is that the AI does not reliably detect small water obstacles like small ponds of for example 2-3m size with steep walls. It tends to ignore them and get stuck. If this happens to you, ask again, I then tell you the possible remedies. Major rivers, bridging operaitons and using road bridges works well, though. Battle positions very near to rivers also is a critical issue, if the unit autonomously manouvers to adopt to enemy movement, it can sometimes retreat backwards into the river, and get stuck.

It is very rare, and you can avoid it by adapting your plan or choose your mission map accordingly. the map theme can also be easily edited to get rid of the water, locally, or on all the map. So although it may sound like a big issue, it is not. It is just annoying when it happens.

no more historic limitations etc. etc. ....only as much realism and modern amoured combat as possible for a PC that's all I ask for.
Not only modern. You now can set up original early cold war scenarios as well, the needed vehicles are there now. You can also tune the sim to reflect WWII-technology only, like I described in the SBP resources sticky.

That sounds excellent to me .
Actually many maps are several times bigger than the maximum area you can have in a mission (some 400 square-km, if I recall correctly, which is big enough for platoon, company and batallion action, most used mission maps are considerably smaller). So you can use several different parts of one map to use for various missions. You can also change the season and geograhic scheme of any given map: it then has the same heightmap, but different architecture, vegetation, desert, woodland or snow schemes, etc.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.
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