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Old 08-10-10, 11:48 AM   #90
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Originally Posted by streetbob View Post
Reaper need help, game can play with mod for a good while after saving game then reloading game the next day there is no uzo and no binocculars both are all white screen, once you get them back they are okay for a while but go white again on reload any ideas. Thanks streetbob.
Originally Posted by nodlew View Post
First, incredible mod. Love it. Good looking mod, has features I've missed alot, especially the beatiful AOB finder.


Obs. Periscope. I've reinstalled in port--deleted all of my saved games, started fresh, the damn thing wont stay down. It raises when I 1) zoom binoculars, 2) use the TAC Map, 3) use the Nav Map...4)--20) all the other times I can't remember. Drives me nuts because you have all that neat stuff at the Obs. Periscope station, like the attack disk, but I don't dare access the station because if I do the bug kicks in and drives me bats. The only way, for me, to circumvent the Obs. Periscope issue is never to use the Obs. Periscope. If I ever use it, the bug persists even when starting a new mission, even a Single Player mission. I have to restart the game to get rid of it. I tried only using the XO command to raise and lower the scope, but no go. I can live without the obs. periscope for a little while, but I hope a real fix for the issue is in the works. Exiting the Obs. Periscope causes it to fully rise, not to lower itself as it should--that's the first sign I have that the bug is in effect.

That's the main thing. Other things--sometimes weird glitches occur. I'll lose buttons on the attack scope--like the the button to open the TDC panels. Clicking into the Nav map and back restores them. Still, hurts immersion. The Stadimeter button will stop working--stays yellow, won't turn green. Switching to Captain's Log and back will get it working again--sometimes. The Stop Watch doesn't function. I can drag it around, but it won't start and stop, just keeps ticking. The only way to use it to get speed calculations of ships is to place it right beside the center line of the scope and count the ticks until the ship completely crosses the line. Can't seem to replace it with another Stop Watch mod either. The Jagd stop watch does function as a stop watch, but I can't seem to access that one unless I fire a torpedo. After that I can use it as long as I leave it on the screen. I've searched through the crew commands for an order to bring it up, but no go.

Been trying to use the AOB finder, but I must have lost a few brain cells since SH3 and SH4 U-Boat Missions cause I can't work the damn things any more--neither yours nor TDW's. My stadimeter readings seem to have gone screwy. Ships that I know are 1500 m away read as ~ 1000 m. The AOB reports closer, but still off. I've tried it with the standard scope and with the MRP mod. The MRP seems to work a little better but still not right. Someone needs to do a new tutorial for these things and put it on YouTube. OLC's video is for his interface and that was way back in SH3 GWX. Ah. Those were the days. My freakin' AOB finder worked. Life was far less frustrating.

Anyway. I do really like the mod and I appreciate that you made it just for yourself. But it is released to the community and it is really nice so we would like to be able to use it. Ergo, somebody needs to fix it. If not you, then another mod-skilled individual.

Thanks gugys for the bug reports, working as best I can to figure out the problems. But scripting is a weak point for me and all the bugs pretty much relate to scripts at the moment.
If any scripters want to have a look and see if the can solve any issues, be my guest .
But I will endeaver to track the problems down.
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