Thread: Interceptor Sub
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Old 08-03-10, 05:50 PM   #74
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Originally Posted by Travis Reed View Post
After continued campaign testing, I've noted that my fear of running out of battery power with no effective means of recharging them is quite well founded and not to be ignored...since I've already done it on a few occasions...

It seems that since the batteries are set for high speed they will drain extremely rapidly at lower speeds. I don't find it useful attacking targets (especially convoys...) at high enough speeds to maintain the best battery efficiency. If I go too fast, I have far less time to plot a solution, and engage than If I'm traveling at a slower speed. I know the Torps are acoustic homing and while this helps, it's not the be all and end all. Most of what I encounter are slow moving targets. They move slow enough to not trigger the acoustic homing device on the torps, so I have to shoot 'em the same way as any non-homing torp, which requires a decent firing solution and attack angle.

I've changed the throttle settings to match the TMO 1.9 Tench, so I'm usually running at 1/3 or 2/3 (6-7 knots and 13-14 knots submerged, 3-4 knots and 9-10 knots surfaced) for data acquisition and solution plotting.
I'm also noting, that even with a max RPM of 25, DDs and other escorts with passive sonar seem to be able to hear me (even at 1/3-2/3).Although the range at which they can do so seems to be severely limited. It may be that RPM isn't the only factor that determines how well they can hear you. Perhaps speed is also a factor.

I was also thinking it might be cool to adapt the gtaling guns from the Shark for AA work and use them in place of the .50 cal machine guns.
Originally Posted by Travis Reed View Post
The interceptor uses the Gato's upgrade packs, for the most part (at least for radar). The Improved SD radar I upgraded to at the beginning of the war was from the Kraken's upgrade packs (the info is listed in the UpgradePacks.upc file even without the associated addon installed). I removed the Kraken's upgrades, since I don't intend on using the Kraken, and the problem is resolved (although I had to trash that campaign...not too big an issue since I'd just started).

I really wish that the recharge rates were able to be modified as an actual value, that would really limit this problem. ETR3(SS) makes a good point that securing for silent running can help in the DDs not detecting you. However I also think that with the game geared towards the subs being from WWII it's going to be very hard to make a sub run completely quiet.

From what I have messed with over the past couple of days I have come up with two alternatives for the battery recharge problem. One is to set the charge at a lower range so that you can recharge it while surfaced. However that will force you to run the sub on the surface for most of the patrol. With this being a nuclear sub batteries aren't really supposed to be an issue. So the other alternative would be to make the charge last for a ridiculously long time at 7 knots. So your looking at like 2 to 3 million miles per charge.

I've got the peroxide set at 4 million miles at 25 knots, the max speed is almost 40 so i figured 25 is a good cruising speed when traveling from one patrol area to the next.

Don't worry about the Kraken's upgrade packs being put on the sub. I realized that I forgot to actually rename them when I added the sections in. I've found a way to add new sensors and not mess up the ones already in game. So the next beta release will have the proper sensors and no overlapping from the other subs.

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