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Old 07-20-10, 05:12 PM   #6
Molon Labe
Silent Hunter
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What I would really like to have in a dynamic campaign engine for DW is something that can keep an account of the platforms present in a campaign (and their status--loadout, fuel, damage, etc.), account for their movements that take place before/after a match is played, determines when/where a DW match is to take place, and can generate DW missions based on all of the information its been tracking. Something along the lines of the "2d world" in Falcon 4, if you're familiar with that. Or, imagine a server running Fleet Command, with Dangerous Waters players logging into it to control the playable platforms in the FC game.

I expect that a full-blown professional campaign engine like F4's is beyond the limits of game-editor. But, if it can do most of the things I've listed above--even if a lot of the data is entered manually b/c it doesn't know how to interpret the results of a DW battle, it's still accomplishing a lot.
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