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Old 07-04-10, 08:29 AM   #1
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Default IL-2 Birds of Prey- for the DS

Just bought IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey for the DS (I thought it was Wings of Prey, since I spoke to another flight sim user who got it for the PC) since it was on special, and all. I nearly didn't pick it up then thought, 'well, if it's on special... might as well pick it up'. I have no idea if I can keep this short, but no one's forced to read unless they're interested

I didn't really have huge expectations for it, after attempting to play with "B-17: Fortress of the Sky" (which recieved a 'meh' response from me, basically.... I bomb targets and shoot enemy planes in it, I don't even fly the B-17, anyway back to this IL-2 BoP).

So far, this game just lacks the hilarity we can get with the PC IL-2 games. No stalling, no landing, no take offs (could be too early to tell, I can update if you guys wish, I'm in the training stage) or anything that can lead to Lolwaffle-ish humour. Except for when I crashed as soon as my first training said "Mission Complete" I have messed about with aerobatics and steep ascents/descents, twists, somersaults, and none of it had resulted in any accidents
Controls are far too easy, so I guess it'd be good for introducing people to IL-2, but again, learning curve on this DS version is pretty easy. Might get boring a little too easily... could just be because I have the PC IL-2.
Instruction manual contains 10 pages of very basic information. In each language. No planes infos, no nothing except for explanation of controls.

There are 3 missions and one training mode. Missions in this are:
"Ardennes Offensive", "Battle of Britain" and "Stalingrad". Very small selection. No wi-fi/multiplayer dogfight or co-op mission. In the Academy/Training, you don't get to pick planes. You get to fly a... Bf-109E for the Flight and Interception training. Then a Bf-1105 for Ground Attack. And finally, a Ju-81 for Bombing.
I will summarize the 3 missions briefly...
*Ardennes Offensive: you get to fight as either the USAAF or Luftwaffe.
*Battle of Britain: fly as either Luftwaffe or RAF
*Stalingrad: Missions over Stalingrad for the Luftwaffe and the Red Army Air Force

That is all I can say about the game so far. Other than good IL-2 graphics. Sound's... well... DS quality Knowing DS speakers very well. Very... basic. Just give me a PC IL-2 game anyday. At least I suppose I do have IL-2 on the go. Great for gamers who aren't into in-depth flying other great flight sims offers. But this wasn't the first flight game to disappoint me on the DS, Starfox: Command disappointed me for its bad flight controls as well as its simplicity which detached it from the big console versions as well. Anyway, running off topic, it's plainly clear to me that flight sims/games on DS just don't.... work as wonderfully as the PC's version.
I'm yet to set my eyes on the PC version, but I'm guessing it will be much better. And it's done by another company as far as I know.

I talk too much, hope y'all survived that Just thought to share this... in case you hear of anyone thinking of buying this game on DS platform. Or if you're just curious about what the DS version is like. Feel free to ask or anything (and completely off topic: I acquired a book on Fighter Aircraft from WWI, WWII and some of the modern jets. I'm disappointed it doesn't have the F-111! My favourite ) Anyway! I shall shut up
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