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Old 06-07-10, 09:23 PM   #199
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I'm not sure it was intended to be used on the surface as the range would put the sub right in front of a target and it would be fired upon, especially during the day. The sonar had weak range too, of only 4000m tops. Also Germans hardly used sonar, it was thought to would give away the submarines position.

Also for clarity, sonar is not the hydrophone, two different types of sensors although both found on the same unit. I get confused when one calls hydrophones sonar. In fact sonar is the Allies tech, Sondergerat and Sonderapparat is the German names for German active sound location sets.

If you speaking about the hydrophone, then yes, it has been disabled above water along with being able to use the "sonar". Its quite easy to dive for an accurate sound or sonar reading, and it most cases I am sure that's how sound checks were performed, e.g, Dive to 25 m etc, all stop, hydrophone check.

If you would to change this yourself to enable sound checks in on the surface, open your Goblin Editor and go to data/objects/sensors/ open the Uboot_Sensors.gr2 and merge it with the Uboot_Sensors.sim. You need to edit each hydrophone set in the .sim from MaxSensorHeight -10 to MaxSensorHeight 0.

It is an interesting question though, is that how keel sets were intended to be used? All stop on the surface for sound checks? Is that an additional option to the standard dive, all stop, hydrophone check?

By the way if you enable hydrophones on the surface you will get reports from your sound guy going at full speed surfaced, which is extremely lame.
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