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Old 05-07-10, 04:36 PM   #7
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by doomfreak777 View Post
Thanks guys there is some really useful stuff there, informative replys

I just came off of SH3 for the night as I have just bought my first 'big' sub (to me anyway), I was out on a patrol and destroyed a cargo and armed trawler in rough waters with a thunderstorm. I was just patrolling around in super speed to get the 24 hours out of the way, when suddenly the time goes back to 8x and I am being attacked by a military ship... which was headed straight for me, I had no time to dive or anything literally so it hit me and I was destroyed

Retry that save tomorrow heh...

Anyway thanks for the ideas, I will probably come back and take a look at them tomorrow, I built my pc last year so it is more than capable of some of these mods, can't wait to try them out!


p.s. this game makes time fly
Why yes, yes it does.

Regarding "super speed" - if you only mean high time compression, you've already discovered that it's not that great an idea when you are anywhere other than completely friendly waters. And even there it may be inadvisable due to all the other friendly ships and aircraft in the area. A collision with a friendly ship in your home port is still a collision!

At high TC, when a dangerous situation manifests itself, it's often too late to do anything to avoid total disaster by the time you drop back into real time. This can include everything from attacks by enemy ships or planes (and they will get more numerous and deadly as the war progresses) to hitting a mine and not being able to order the necessary damage control before the ship is lost.

The general consensus seems to be that anything over 128 TC is where bad things are likely to happen too quickly to respond as needed, so use the high TCs sparingly and wisely and NEVER at a time when you cannot be right there keeping an undistracted eye on things. (There's also a possibility that patrolling at too high a TC can cause your crew to "miss" contacts they might have informed you about at a lower TC, which can mean you race through a patrol in record time but have fewer kills to show for it.)

But just in case by "super speed" you're also referring to the speed you've ordered from the engines - be aware that the highest setting on the engine telegraph, i.e. "flank speed," will burn through your fuel at a very uneconomical rate and put undue strain on your engines if used for extended periods of time. It's there for emergency purposes, to escape from an attacker or sometimes to run down a ship that you are hunting but in both cases should be used only for as long as absolutely necessary to achieve the immediate goal.

The second to lowest setting on the engine telegraph seems to be the most economical in terms of fuel consumption. Anything faster or slower than that is less efficient and will cause you to get less than optimum range for your available fuel if used for extended periods of time.
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