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Old 05-07-10, 03:19 PM   #41
Join Date: Apr 2005
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Default Typical!

Well, after reloading my in-port save for April 8 I headed back up to the approaches to Narvik ignoring all incidental shipping on the way. Low and behold, just about where the tip of the blue arrow is on a previous post there came into view the familiar cluster of escorts heading for Narvik - with a QE in the centre. And then the fog came! Taking advantage I closed to as near as I dare and let loose with 3 torps. All 3 hit and down she went like a stone - the escorts didn't even pause in their journey! No picking up survivors I guess in this came despite the weather. Strike 1

Then a couple of days later guess what came along - another cluster of escorts with another QE!! This was interesting as well because she had ice on her rigging - not seen that before. And again came the fog. It was unbelievable that the same thing should happen, only this time they were on their way out from Narvik. I repeated the same tactics and 3 torps struck home. I had to dive quick because this time the escorts were a little upset. Fortunately they weren't very persistent, and steamed away into the fog. Having lost site of the QE in the fog, and no kill was registered in my log, I began to wonder if I had lost this one to record and wondered if you have to actually see the ship sink for it to count (which makes sense I guess). Then I picked her up, and she was listing badly. I couldn't believe the escorts has just scarpered and left her. I gave the cous de grace from the stern tube and was satisfied to see the kill duly logged. Strike 2 QEs!!

So I got 2 QEs. Just need to tally the necessary merchant score and I'm done. BUT - ha no merchants. Well sod it, if I fail this mission just on a lack or merchant kills I can live with that. I'm not doing it all again. Two BBs will do nicely thank you
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