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Old 04-29-10, 10:30 AM   #12
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Thanks TLAM Strike for the URL advice.

I'd always understood that the Kursk was sunk by internal torpedo detonation. I take it that is the official version? IIRC, similar designs had been dropped in the west because of hot run accidents.

In comparison to the rest of the damage, that hole in the side is nothing.

If it was caused by a penetrating torp, surely the structure round the entry hole (being already weakened) would have been obliterated in the detonation?

Those pictures showing the bulkheads slammed along inside the pressure hull and smashed to nothing give some idea of the damage sustained internally. Horrible.

I know nothing about modern torpedoes, but the damage looks (to me) far more than might be caused by a single device. I assume other stored torpedoes and/or water pressure?

There is probably more to the Kursk story than we will ever know, but unfortunately, too many conspiracies rely on unlikely circumstances.
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