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Old 04-29-10, 08:30 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Captain Sub View Post
You see a round impact hole with a dent around it that goes inward. ...
Sorry, but that doesn't prove anything. The hull plates of the Maine were bent inward too, convincing investigators that the explosion that sank it in Havana harbor, eventually causing the Spanish-American War in 1898, was because of an external explosion. Later research showing that the simple rush of water into the hull could bend the plates back meant that the now current theory of an internal explosion of some of the Maine's own ammo due to the heat of an undetected fire in a next door coal bunker was quite plausible, and in fact more likely than an external mine.

Also, as others have pointed out, that hole is awfully perfect in shape. I suppose you suggest the U.S. used an armor-piercing torpedo, since those type of weapons are the only thing that make nice round holes like that?

And of course there's the question of why in the world would the Russians be covering this up??? Either they have to be, or they're the biggest idiots in the world, since they can't see the "evidence." You would think they would rather blame an outside force for this tragedy rather than their own shoddy equipment or poor crew work, wouldn't they??

And finally, what possible reason would anyone have for torpedoing the Kursk in the first place??? Wars have started over little things like that! Or did the perpetrators know the Russians would blame themselves?

Sorry, but your conspiracy theory gets an "F" for originality and believability. I advise you to seek professional help immediately.
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