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Old 04-22-10, 02:12 AM   #831
java`s revenge
Ace of the Deep
Join Date: Jan 2007
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I have installed the last version 1.6 now and I don`t get the teleporting and the tdc to work.

Am using sh3 gui and i have altered the details in the .py file.

Which keys / knobs do i have to press to see the tdc?

Who can help me out? Here is the file,

# Edited by TheDarkWraith for NewUIs_TDC_1_6_0
# Edited on 4/21/2010 @ 2320

# User Options for DarkWraith's mods

# NOTE!!!!
# These are the keys the game recognizes:
# A-Z of the alphabet (Capitalized!)
# Tab, Enter, Shift, Ctrl, Alt, Escape, PageUp, PageDown, End, Home, Left, Up, Right, Down, Insert, Delete, numbers 0-9 (which are Keyx - i.e. 4 would be Key4), F1-F11 functions keys.

##################################### Game False ####################################
# required to disable the snorkel orders for the officers. DO NOT CHANGE!
SnorkelEnabled = False

##################################### UI Stuff (SH3/4/5 modes) ##################################

#+++++++++++++ UI Style ++++++++++++++
# Possible UI Styles:
SH5Enhanced = 0
SH3Style = 1
SH4Style = 2

# the current UI Style (only possible values are: SH3Style, SH4Style, SH5Enhanced)
UIStyle = 1

#+++++++++++++ SH5 specific UI Items +++++++++++++++
# the key used to increase the desired heading when you mouse into the heading bar
HeadingBarIncreaseHeadingKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.E # change the E to whatever key you want
HeadingBarDecreaseHeadingKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Q # change the Q to whatever key you want
# some users may want the desired heading to increase slower. Modify this value to add delay (increment in 1's!)
HeadingBarUserDelay = 0
# the hotkey used to display the heading/rudder dial
HeadingRudderKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.C # change the C to whatever key you want
# the hotkey used to change the heading/rudder dial mode (heading mode or rudder mode) will be the same key
# used to toggle the display of the dial plus the shift key. So you have to press the shift key first then
# the key used to toggle the display of the dial on/off.
# integrate the fuel, battery, compressed air, and CO2 interface into the bottom bar
# change below to either True or False
IntegrateLevels = True

#+++++++++++++ SH3/4/5 specific UI items ++++++++++++++++
# the hotkey used to toggle follow target (when you have a target selected you can enable this to have the camera
# automatically follow the target as it moves.)
FollowSelectedTargetHotKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.X # change the X to whatever you want

# the hotkey used to toggle the nomograph visibility on the mini-map. Nomograph is always visible on nav-map
NomographVisibleOnMiniMapHotKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.N # change the N to whatever you want

#+++++++++++++ SH3/5 specific UI items ++++++++++++++++++
# are the officers enabled (are the officer icons allowed to be rendered)?
# change below to either True or False
RenderOfficerIcons = True

#################################### TDC style (SH3/4/5 modes) #################################

#+++++++++++++++++++ TDC modes +++++++++++++++++++++
# Possible TDC modes:
# NOTDCDials - no dials
# TDCSpreadAngle - just the spread angle dial for salvo attacks
# TDCMinimalDials - minimal TDC dials
# TDCAllDials - all TDC dials
NOTDCDials = 0
TDCMinimalDials = 1
TDCAllDials = 2
TDCSpreadAngle = 3

# the current TDC mode - NOTE: NOT OPERATIONAL - Only valid values are NOTDCDials and TDCMinimalDials
# change below to either NOTDCDials, TDCSpreadAngle, TDCMinimalDials, or TDCAllDials
TDCMode = TDCMinimalDials

#+++++++++++++++++++ Show TDC in UZO, Obs, and Attack ++++++++++++++++++
# set to False to disable, True to enable at game start
# At game start, do you want the dials to be displayed in each of these stations?
# change below to either True or False for each
ShowAttackTDC = True
ShowObsTDC = True
ShowUZOTDC = True

# if a TDC mode is selected that allows dials, there will be a button on the torpedo box lower section right bottom side
# that is used to toggle the dials visibility for that station

#################################### For Dials - SH3 and SH4 UI Modes only ##################################

#++++++++++++++ Dial zoom/unzoom animation speed +++++++++++++++
# rate at which dials grow and shrink (in seconds)
# default is 0.10 seconds
DialsAnimationSpeed = 0.10

#++++++++++++++ Base Zoom +++++++++++++++
# Base Zoom levels
# when MouseIn the dial will grow by this number
# default is 200
BaseZoomThrottle = 200
# default is 200
BaseZoomSpeed = 200
# default is 200
BaseZoomHeading = 200
# default is 200
BaseZoomRudder = 200
# default is 200
BaseZoomDepth260 = 200
# default is 200
BaseZoomDepth25 = 200

#++++++++++++++ Can Zoom +++++++++++++++
# which dials can zoom
# change True to False to disable zoom on that dial
# set below to either True or False for each
ThrottleCanZoom = True
SpeedCanZoom = True
HeadingCanZoom = True
RudderCanZoom = True
Depth260CanZoom = True
Depth25CanZoom = True

#++++++++++++++ Offsets +++++++++++++++
# y offset adjustment when mouse in/out and image goes offscreen (BaseZoom - for dynamically repositioning dials)
DialsBaseZoomOffsetYAdjustment = 10

# x offset adjustment when mouse in/out and image goes offscreen (BaseZoom - for dynamically repositioning dials)
DialsBaseZoomOffsetXAdjustment = 10

#+++++++++++++ Enums ++++++++++++++
# zooming/unzooming
# an enumeration of possible zoom states (do not change!)
unzoom = 0
zoom = 1

#+++++++++++++ Flags for zoom state +++++++++++++
# Zoom State Flags (value of zoom or unzoom)
# the current zoom state of the dial
# set below to either unzoom or zoom for each
ThrottleZS = unzoom
SpeedZS = unzoom
HeadingZS = unzoom
RudderZS = unzoom
Depth260ZS = unzoom
Depth25ZS = unzoom

##################################### Message Box (SH3/4/5 modes) ####################################
# these control the height and width of the message box. They are multiplied by a set value so increment in small values!
MessageBoxWidthFactor = 2.5 # stock is 2
MessageBoxHeightFactor = 5 # stock is 3

# this will cause the message box to start in the expanded mode when the game starts
# change below to either True or False
MessageBoxStartsExpanded = False

# is the message box displayed?
# change below to either True or False
DisplayTheMessageBox = False

# the hotkey used to toggle the messagebox visibility
DisplayTheMessageBoxHotKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.L # change the L to whatever key you want

# to toggle the messagebox between minimized and maximized states use the hotkey used to toggle visibility with the shift key

##################################### Mini-Map (SH3/4/5 modes) ######################################
# change below to either True or False for each
SelectedContactGUIEnabled = False # stock False
ParallelCourseButtonEnabled = True # stock False
InterceptCourseButtonEnabled = True # stock False
DepthGroupHighlightBitmapEnabled = False # stock False
ThrottleHighlightBitmapEnabled = False # stock False
ZoomInOutEnabled = True # stock False
MapCoordinatesEnabled = False # stock False
TorpedoImpactPointsEnabled = False # stock False
VisualContactsEnabled = True # stock True
VisualEnabled = True # stock True
HydrophoneEnabled = True # stock True
HydrophoneContactsEnabled = True # stock True
RadarEnabled = True # stock True
RadarContactsEnabled = True # stock True
SonarEnabled = True # stock True
SonarContactsEnabled = True # stock True
ViewConesEnabled = False # stock False
ContactInfoTextEnabled = True # stock True
TorpedoSolutionEnabled = False # stock False
LocationsInTAIEnabled = False # stock False
IsTacticalMapEnabled = True # stock True
StrategicObjectivesEnabled = True # stock True

# should the mini-map switch to TAI mode when the obs, attack, or UZO station is selected?
# set to False to have the mini-map switch to minimized mode on obs, attack, or UZO station selected. When set to True
# the mini-map will set to TAI mode on those stations selected.
# change below to either True or False
TAIModeOnScopeUZOStationSelected = False

# enums for TAIMode on game start (DO NOT CHANGE)
Minimized = 0
TAI = 1
Maximized = 2

# When game starts, what the status of the mini-map? Does user want it minimized, TAI mode, or maximized?
# change below to either Minimized, TAI, or Maximized
TAIModeOnGameStart = TAI

##################################### Player Guidance (SH3/4/5 modes) ####################################
# are player guidance events enabled? (are they shown)
# change below to either True or False
PlayerGuidanceEnabled = False

##################################### Player Objectives (SH3/4/5 modes) ###################################
# are player objective events enabled? (are they shown)
# change below to either True or False
PlayerObjectivesEnabled = False

# if the mission is a tutorial, are Player Objectives enabled at game start? (overrides PlayerObjectivesEnabled at game start)
IfTutPlayerObjsEnabledAtGameStart = True

##################################### XO TDC Dialog box (SH3/4/5 modes) ###################################
# is the XO and his dialog box visible on the UZO, attack, and obs scopes views?
# change below to either True or False
XOTDCDialogEnabled = False

##################################### Item Notes ################################################## ########
# this enables or disables the item notes from showing. The item notes is the text that displays above
# the message box when you mouse over certain items
# change below to either True or False
ShowItemNotes = True

##################################### Orders Bars and Order Categories (SH3/5 modes) ####################################
# when user clicks on order from order bar, does the order bar hide itself or stay visible?
# set to True to have order bar hide itself when order selected
# change below to either True or False
HideOrderBarOnOrderClicked = False

# when user presses a key, does the order bar hide itself or stay visible?
# set to True to have order bar hide itself when key is pressed
# change below to either True or False
HideOrderBarOnKeyPress = False

# do the order categories scroll down when moused out and scroll up when moused in?
# set to True to have the order categories scroll
# change below to either True or False
OrderCategoriesScroll = False

##################################### Lock/Break Lock (SH3/4/5 modes) ###############################################
# The lock/break lock displays in the attack, obs, and UZO views. Set to True to enable them.
# change below to either True or False
ShowLockBreakLock = False

###################################### Teleporting ##############################################
# the hotkeys assigned to the teleport commands
# if you do not want a hotkey for a teleport command then use None
# i.e. TeleportToObsScope = None
# if you want to assign a hotkey for a teleport command then change the x to whatever key you want
# i.e. TeleportToObsScope = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.x where x = the key desired (in capital letters!)
#if you want to use a number then you would use:
# TeleportToObsScope = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Keyx where x = the number desired
TeleportToObsScope = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.O
TeleportToAttackScope = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.F.key3
TeleportToUZO = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.U
TeleportToRadar = None
TeleportToHydrophone = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.H
TeleportToDeckGun = None
TeleportToFlakGun = None

##################################### others MODs ###############################################

# emtguf's periscope rework enabled (adds support for his mod)
# change below to either True or False
emtgufPeriscopeReworkEnabled = False

######################################## Debugging ####################################
# for Debugging use only! Do not use!

# key command to display current stations in game
DisplayActiveStation = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key5
DisplayActiveCameraKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key6
DisplayCurrentStationsKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key9
DisplayCurrentActiveStationKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key0
ToggleDisplaySubmarineCommandsKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key7
ToggleDisplaySubmarineDelayedCommandsKey = MenuKeyManagerWrapper.Keys.Key8

Last edited by java`s revenge; 04-22-10 at 03:17 AM.
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