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Old 04-17-10, 12:12 PM   #857
Sea Lord
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I hate talking politics because when I do (it seems) I always get in trouble
but here goes!

I thank God that I live in a nation that is stating to really awaken to the
fact that there is no freedom at all with out the base of freedom of
expression and speech. I do not say this to be smug or judgmental of other
nations but I do have to say that any government that is so afraid of what
is in a video game or on a plastic model is a tyranny that needs to be

I say this especially for the US and UK puppet governments that have been
created after WWII to serve the "Internationalist(Globalist) Greed Machine"
and not at all for the people of those nations.

I for one am a law abiding citizen of America who is determined to live my
life as free from fear (from government) as possible. But please understand
that to live in Germany today you run the risk of jail, fine or imprisonment
by a puppet regime that has more concern for foreign interests then for the
German people. And THAT is a recipe for revolution- IMO.


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