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Old 04-16-10, 05:36 PM   #848
Join Date: Nov 2009
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Hello Zee and all Tiger freaks

First of all a round up of what I have done and discovered.

I had some problems updating my install to the first Kursk mission, and reading all posts decided to go back to square one and sequentially add the latest updates and comment on progress if useful.

So back to standard out of box install (tested OK), then on to install the pre kursk foundation Alpha v.1 release (incorporating all Zees updates prior to Kurk).

Happily all is OK, some observations though upon the game as it is now (i.e. patched to Foundation Alpha v.1) For some strange reason I noticed my FPS have dropped v-slightly, worse case is the First German mission early enemy contact drops FPS to 7/8 in some cases. However soon picks up and general lowest FPS tend to be between 10 and 17.

I noticed many new ground road textures and cloud effects (nice) some clouds look a bit like an impending thunder storm (also nice).
My question is; were these Zees addtions/improvements or has my install done something untoward to the textures?? I can't believe it shouldn't be like this as it looks so good!! Note: it wasn't on the previous ZW mods update - hence my question. Also noticed a few additions (like bunkers) in one of the Russian missions (also nice).

Well I'm not quite at Kursk yet, but would be most grateful for a reply on the textures question (when you get time).

This game has just been fired into orbit and now it's flying!!!!!
it's a hell of a balance getting it to run with heavy action and not bog the FPS down. There's a hell of a lot of hardware out there all different.
As far as I'm concerned it's an amazing job so far.

Just like to add a big thanks to Zee who's been working his nuts off and giving splendid support you are worth every penny mate.

Seig Heil You are the man

Salute - Mort (hoping to get to the Kursk area sometime soon).
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