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Old 04-06-10, 10:48 AM   #11
frau kaleun
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Originally Posted by clive bradbury View Post
Jack Hawkins' greatest performance by a great actor. The image of him on the open bridge in that duffel cost will stay with me forever. The role is based on Walker, of course.

Hawkins brilliance in this film is that he consistently avoids cliche. He maintains his humanity throughout despite being a remorseless hunter. If you have not seen this film - you must.
Well I have put it at the top of my queue so I should have it in a couple days. Hawkins is one of those great character actors that I saw a lot growing up (being a fan of old movies) but never put a name to until I got older and started paying attention more and realized how much I enjoyed his work.

There are some performers that are so wonderful in such subtle ways that it takes a while for the effect to sink in, at least for me. Claude Rains, for example, how many times did I see Casablanca as a kid before I realized as an adult that he completely steals every scene he's in, and not by chewing the scenery or getting in the way of the other actors. But any scene (in any movie) that he's a part of seems to be the better for his presence, lol.
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