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Old 04-04-10, 11:51 PM   #1
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Default [REQ] U-Boat Tonnage Pennants

Tonnage pennants! There must be a reason that they've never been modded in before. At least not to my knowing. I'm really hoping that its a possibility. Given the fact that DarkWraith has a good Kriegsmarine ensign mod going, it seems like it could be a possibility.
It would be great if, upon return from patrol, that accurate tonnage pennants be flown. Even better, it would be great if the tonnage pennants would represent the tonnage or silhouette of the actual ships sunk during the last patrol.
Perhaps when your boat comes to within x amount of km to your home port the pennants could automatically be flown. This would indeed add a huge and fun amount of realism to every patrol.

Danke und Sieg!

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