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Old 04-02-10, 01:27 PM   #1
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I guess this whole post is a treatise on crew composition, but the part on radio crews is separated here for clarity. I included some German ranks for reference purposes, although the game doesn't distinguish between specializations of each rank (there is no Funkgefreiter or Maschinengefreiter). For reference, the plural of German Maat is Maate (so 2 Funkmaate but 1 Funkmaat).

The radio crew operating the radio and hydrophone tended to consist of 4 men on VIIs:
2 petty officers - Funkmaate (either Oberfunkmaate or Funkmaate)
2 seamen - Funkgefreiter (either Funkobergefreiter (sometimes called Ober-Funkgefreiter) or Funkgefreiter)

Larger submarines tended to have an additional man. This is the department concerned with the enigma device as well - although the commander may be the one to ultimately decode the complete message.

When considering crew it's important to remember that the mechanical crew and 'sailing' crew generally followed separate paths. Composition may differ based on the commander's preference, crew experience and availability. The general crew of a VII consisted of:

3-6 officers (Offiziere)
-2-4 Naval
--1 Commander (the Kaleun - although he may not have been Kapitänleutnant)
--1-3 Watch Officer(s)/Helmsmen (Oberleutnant or Leutnant zur See)
--1 Navigator (usually a Stabsobersteuermann; often also acting as a WO)
-1-2 Engineering
--1 Chief Engineer (Oberleutnant or Leutnant Ingenieur)
--0-1 Chief Engineer in Training or Assistant Engineer (Leutnant Ingenieur)

You could argue that a Stabsobersteuermann (usually navigator), Stabsobermachinist, Stabsobermechaniker (like a chief mechanic), or a Stabsoberbootsmann (usually crew chief) were officers as their ranks are borderline between officer/petty officer ranks. If you want to be technical, drop the officer count to 3-5 and add one to the petty officers.

LIs tended to stay with the same boat or same captain. Since they were part of a distinct branch of the naval hierarchy (namely engineering instead of naval or 'sailing' ranks), LIs usually didn't become ship captains. When they were promoted/retired from patrol they usually got cushy design/propaganda/repair jobs (...maybe to go with their hearing loss?).

There tended to be an officer on watch at all times (although occasionally a petty officer and not an actual officer). Generally there were 3 rotating shifts of 4 or 5 people - sometimes with the commander adding some relief as well.

Since the player represents the Kaleun and the game provides you 5 officer positions, one should be assigned to your engines/motors. Then there are the 3 helmsmen (who we'll assume are acting as a rotating watch and a possibly a navigator). Finally, your 5th officer may be considered a high ranking petty officer for armaments (torpedos/FLAK/deck gun or some mixture of them) or a more dedicated watch officer (WO) or a dedicated navigator.

10-18 Petty Officers (Maate/Unteroffiziere)
-4-8 Naval
-6-9 Engineering

Petty officers may have functioned as watch officers, artillery crew members, torpedo mechanics, helmsmen, radiomen, administrators, and navigators. On a deck gun usually there'd be at least one officer assisting; the FLAK tended to be manned by a trained seaman, but was occasionally manned by an officer. Most of the non-engineering officers were assigned duties relating to munitions or weapons (torpedo mate, ammunition chief, etc.).

In engineering petty officers tended to be engineers of some sort (maybe that's obvious). Non-officer crew in the engines tended to be "stokers," aka people directly responsible for making sure the engines were running.

In general there tended to be distinct diesel and electric motor crews, but SH3 doesn't simulate that particularly.

20-30 Seamen
-10-15 Naval
-8-12 Engineering

Generally torpedo mechanics were seamen (Mechanikerobergefreiter) although there tended to be at least one petty officer (Mechanikermaat).

Plus there's usually a cook and (very) occasionally a doctor or medic. Medical doctors tended to be stationed on Milchkuhs to provide service for any boat (or you tried to get your sick/injured man onto a boat returning home).
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