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Old 03-25-10, 05:04 AM   #645
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Originally Posted by keith_uk View Post
In the last days before this game was released, i upgraded to a HD monitor and bought an XFX ATI HD5850 video card just to play SHV. I'm now ready to install the game after a full system reinstall and now i find out it has all these bugs.
What i'm saying is, lots of people not only waste their money on the buggy game, they may also spend a hell of a lot of money getting their system ready for this game, only to find out its full of bugs.
I upgraded for this game alone, I don't play any other games anymore.

I think Ubi should hire as many people as needed to get ALL of these problems fixed and fixed fast! If there are 100 bugs, then get 100 people and give them one bug to fix each if thsts whats needed to get it fixed quick so we can get playing this game and get some fun out of it.

I can't believe they didn't know about most of these bugs before the game was released. Who do they have testing the game?? Just the people who buy it by the looks of things. Whoever the testers are, they need to be fired, as they have not done their job right.

Does anyone know if another patch is in the works and if so, when it will be ready?

Simply stated, "Ubisoft could care less if the game works or not. They make enough money with a fancy release date video to pay their rent and heat bills. Beyond that, screw you people that spend your money on their games. In a few years they will make another piece of crap software and make a nice video to sell it. And will sell enough to do it again."
Thomas Jefferson - "When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

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