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Old 03-24-10, 01:33 PM   #113
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Originally Posted by ShadowWolf Kell View Post
You might want to remove the Spaxs Uboat sound mod.

OMEGU v300 adds in all the German speech, so it's not really needed anyway. Spaxs will cause CTDs near major ports.

For the longest time I'd get CTDs any time I was near a big port besides St. Nazaire. I ended up getting so frustrated with it that I eventually put SH4 aside for awhile, back around when KIUB was still in beta.

After SH5 was released, I decided to try the OMEGU V300. Anyway to make a long story short, I discovered that OM + OMEGU by themselves didn't cause any CTDs when I launched at a major port like Kiel or Lorient. I could immediately go to the bridge without a CTD. As soon as I installed a sound mod like Spaxs though, instant CTD if I tried to launch while docked at the tender and then switch to the bridge.

The other side of the coin is that the CTD issue prevented me from approaching most ports as well, and could potentially make some saves (if you were too close) to CTD when you loaded them. It was a lot of headache for such an easily fixed problem.

Needless to say, I use this as a method now to troubleshoot new mods to see if they'll behave or not.

I didn't try just OM since OMEGU really really adds a lot to it. Once you've tried it, it's hard to go back. It's like trying to play Stock SH4 almost lol.
What is it about Spax that causes the CTD's near port? I've got the issue in my OM/OMEGU install, and i'll fix it by removing Spax.

However, it's also in my RFB/RSRD install, where I once had it installed. Needless to say there must be some residual crap left over.

I'd like to manually fix it, because I'm running heavily tweaked mods, and reinstalling would break my heart.
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