Originally Posted by frinik
ZW, I downloaded the free 6th mission and played it twice last night. I did not experience KDF's unfortunate lock-ups. Actually contrary to what I was doing previously I worked my way up the main road to see if the game would crash.No it did not.My Tiger wingmen were much more active than previosuly and actually killed some T34s instead of being passively shred to pieces by them as in the original mission.I was surprised and a bit disorganised as a result because in the past I was used to virtually destroying everything by myself.One little bitching( ), the cursed trucks! They moved forward by themselves instead of waiting to be escorted and drove smack into a well concealed T34.During my first attempt one got killed before I had a chance to deal; with the hidden T34.Second mission, I got an unsuccessful mission message despite killing 8 tanks, 3 guns and 4 trucks/APcs while the other 2 Tigers bagged 4 tanks! Because once again those damned trucks with a mind of their own got stupidly killed by driving ahead without escort.I think the code needs to be corrected so they either wait for the Tigers to escort them before they move off or they remain at the queue of the convoy.
Just a little bitching ZW but overall solid improvement.The game has been Zw'ed.I can't wait to download and play the ZW members mission...
KDf as to your problems I suspect the game is not to blame but perhaps your driver or your install?
Do you have DirectX9 c installed or Direct 10 ?Mine came with Direct 10 but I installed Direct X 9 c as it was recommended to play games like Panzer Elite, TvsT34 and others?
You have to get off that hill as fast as you can. Attack the valley on the
left side of units 333, 332. Move slow until you can kill the last T34s andKV85s in the valley. Then move down the lowest point of the valley at high speed come up low on the last gun and then move in position to use
auto-gunner mode on the tanks that block the road. Work with the other Tigers to take those closest tanks out as fast as possible.
To be continued....