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Old 12-24-09, 03:17 AM   #6
Join Date: Dec 2009
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so i just tried out the magnetic det today on this one lonnng patrol, i have to say they're pretty effective. Or maybe because my capaign has already made its way into 1945, but they do seem to inflict a greater damage than impact method. on two occasions, i was able to sink all three Victory cargo with one single fish.

but is it just me or is Liberty Cargo is toughest SOB in the sea, these guys just refuse to go down, i ran into 7 of them today and each require at least 3~4 fishes to bring one down.

i also noticed that the weapons officer like you said tends to set the depth of fish to exactly 1 meter higher than the keel depth of the ship, regardless how many times i hit the "send keel depth info to the computer", it's always exactly 1 meter higher. would this be ok? or should i manually set it to the exact depth.
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