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Old 12-17-09, 03:28 PM   #4
Task Force
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Castaways= The prestory to the campaign I posted about in the mod thread "Bushpigs"

In this campaign you are in a flying in a squad when your planes navigation stuff goes to crazy... and are seperated from your squad.

When you were separated you got lost, flying for awhile you are running out of fuel. Then all of a sudden it happens, your engines sputter and shut off, the other person in the plane with you spots land which you soon find out is a abandoned airfield. belonging to the Japanese, but apparently they arnt concerned about it.

After landing you access the situation, you find that the base still has food stores, and some munitions/fuel. Figuring you couldn't get out, you decide to help the war effort in your own way. attacking the Japanese that is.

And that's all im telling... Its on M4T (mission4today)

He also has made a Campaign like castaways called Bushpigs. similar aspect, except its a planned operation by the RAAF... Same aspect, attack japanease forces behind enemy lines, and try not to get found out...

Both are Very good, and have plenty of cut scenes between missions.
Task Force industries "Taking control of the world, one mind at a time"

Last edited by Task Force; 12-17-09 at 04:10 PM.
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