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Old 11-25-09, 11:21 PM   #183
The Old Man
Join Date: Mar 2009
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It's so nice to know wtf you're doing in this game . The GWX lessons have prepared me well. There's a certain fresh feel, I can't put my finger on it but it's almost as if I'm playing SH5. It takes a few seconds for any order to go through, the view distance is just huge, the water.. ah the water... love those 11m wind waves. The ships have good turning inertia zigzagging in a straight line (as if that's gonna help them). I can finally punish those annoying greek ships that troll around Scapa Flow. My Type IX deck gun plows through the enemy hulls. The crew feels more alive (particularly since I need to move them around so much). Even the enemy seems improved. I've already seen destroyers coming to the aid of crippled ships. Sometimes an aircraft comes in to look at me, then 2 hours later they bring friends. And, if I'm stupid enough to keep my course, I get a few hunters hungry to avenge the downed airmen. On my first patrol of a new 1 January 1940 career I've received the Knights Cross for smashing 80k tons. Until now the interface had prevented me from playing OM. Only now can I appreciate what a piece of art it is . Now on to the OM forum to complain about bugs .

And talking about bugs, how are you guys doing? Got the hang of it?
By the way, a short advice for old SH3 players... if your AOB calculation seems wrong compared to what you see through the periscope, plot a 90 degree intercept course, save, then let the ship pass by. If your stadimeter and AOBF calculations were done properly and the ship didn't spot you or changed course, I'll eat my hat if you're more than 10 degrees off. I've mistook true 15 degrees AOB for 45 degrees visually estimated AOB. By the way, some ships tend to alter their speed and course. I've shadowed ships going at 6 knots, intercepted them only to find at the last moment through calculations that they were doing 10 knots. Cheeky bastards
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