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Old 11-20-09, 06:24 PM   #193
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I had a fun time this morning.

Heavy fog + SJ radar = Daylight surface attack.

You can use sonar for ranging if you want to, but radar is all you really need. Get a rough range guesstimate with the A scope, you get your bearing by manning the thing yourself, and coast your boat right in to 500 yards. I still couldn't see them at that range, but at that range so long as you got the bearing right, the rest is unneeded. Set for fast speed on the fish, with 2 to 3 degree offset, and fire a fan shot. It's almost like shooting fish in a barrel.

Nobody can see you, you can get in super close, can't get a decent solution but one isn't needed anyway, and you make your exist on the surface. Tin cans can't find you at all. Hell, i even took to going parralell with the convoy and firing my deck gun in a broad side manner by shooting at the nearest target via radar bearing and ranging. Deflection is a non issue, all you need is bearing, and use the shell flash as a guide to hit or miss. The escorts may come to investigate, but since its super foggy they' go slow, which gives you plenty of time to fire some rounds and make a get away if they get close. I let one tin can get within 1000 yards before i turned tail. Was plugging away at a maru i pulled alongside from a 400 yard range.

In one daylight surface attack, i made 3 consecutive attacks before i withdrew from the convoy. It was, quite literally, "a running gun and torpedo battle." Radar and Heavy fog, a friendly combination !
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