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Old 10-28-09, 06:12 AM   #140
Silent Hunter
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Originally Posted by theschell View Post
Ty Admiral... it's a pleasure to be aboard... theschell reporting for duty and ready to haul anchor sir!... lol... and ty for your vote of confidence with my models... i'm still trying to figure out how to reduce the poly counts without losing details... ugh... it's a long process with a steep learning curve...
Pleased to meet you - I'm honored!

Don't be concerned at all about the quality of your models - you seem to have a lot of experience modeling large surface units. I'm really impressed with what I've seen so far.

This mod, like all of my others, is going to be 100% freeware. There are no plans at all for me to receive any kind of payment. I would like to warn you, however, that in the past other modders have used my work in payware mods without permission. I will do everything in my power to make sure that this doesn't happen to our models this time around.

You will be credited and will retain all rights to your models. If you'd like a formal agreement, could you please draw it up and give it to me to review?

I am going to email you a document listing plans for the mod in more detail. A rough schedule for completion of the different phases is still being drawn up -I will distribute that to you and the other modders involved as soon as possible.

Someone asked how much of the mod was completed - at this point, no more than about 10%. SH4 has tentatively been chosen as the platform. The final version may be adapted for SH3 or even SH5 - my main concern is building up a library of WWI period vessels, scenery, and crewmember models. Once this is done, the project will gather steam rapidly, since the Silent Hunter games themselves provide such good platforms.

Again, thank you for your help.
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