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Old 10-27-09, 04:32 PM   #123
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by rfxcasey View Post
I have 1.4 installed and had the missing eyes. I bought 1.5 Uboat missions and still have the eye problem. Installed TMO 1.7 and still have the problem. Installed the eyefix and still have the problem. Dude someone has got to fix this crap it runes the whole game. Is there a fix that actually works. I read some people had sucess with JSGME but I can't find the latest version for sh4. Really would love some help as I have no other showstopping issues with this game but the eye thing is unbarable.
in most cases its driver related so update your video drivers to the latest version and that should fix the eyes, if not the eye fix should work for you after you update your drivers.

in rare cases it could be a video card issue, what video card are you using and what is the driver version you are using for it?
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