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Old 09-25-09, 02:44 AM   #8
Eternal Patrol
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Originally Posted by McBeck View Post
The point is that the game is still very much WIP. Meaning that at lot of the stuff we want in the game may still make it - it al depends on budget and time.

What we did see (as far as I remember) was that:
The campaign has more depth. Your actions will have some consequences. You can no more sink the same ship more than just once.
You can have an overmap in the same screen as looking through the periscope.
You can move through the sub
You can see the torpedoes being loaded.
Several changes to the interface

Please note that this game in not even in apha stage, so we only saw bits of the ideas, but it looks like some really good ideas.
Thx McBeck Nobody can ask for more than that. It just seemed like it was being held close to the vest for no reason. Just bits and pieces.

If I could have gotten away I would have come mostly for the SH5 Preview.

To read where I quoted Von Hinten post it sounded like alot more. I won't press you for more.

I am old enough tho to know that the UBI suits wouldn't let the Devs show anything that they cared about being seen.

And the Devs aren't going to risk their jobs showing and telling what they shouldn't.

What was done is what we call in the Street Racing world as " Bench Racing" Discussing ideas. With a few pics.

I Play GWX. Silent Hunter Who ???
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