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Old 09-24-09, 01:39 AM   #1
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Default Tips for tracking convoys with MoBo please

Hi all,

I'm new to MoBo, though I'm trying hard to learn it and use it in my escapades in SH4. This newness leads me to believe I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew with my current situation. As is, I'm sitting at night, underwater, at the mouth of Camranh Bay tracking a convoy with lots of military hardware cruise in towards the port. Up to this point, I'm ok, but I've run into a problem trying to track the individual ships in the convoy so that I can get myself set up correctly for a successful "alpha strike" style attack with both my fore and aft tubes. This means that I need to maneuver between the two main lines to be in proper position (I know this may not be the most accurate attack style, but I've had some good luck with this in SH3, so I want to see if I can get it to work in SH4).

The problem I'm running into, is that I can't keep track of all of the individual ships well enough to find their relative positions. Even though I'm using map contacts, I can't even correctly sort out the pile of lines so that I can try some sort of motion calculations on them to get their positions, speeds, and ranges. Is this task possible? If so, how can I go about doing it?

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