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Old 08-16-09, 11:56 PM   #1600
Roger Dodger
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Default Where the Targets Are

No targets? Its a B-I-G ocean, and you have to be in the right place (at the right time). Lurker has the ships and convoys pretty much accurate as to where they actually were. Not sure if there are any extras thrown in.

I've been in the Asiatic Fleet since the start of the war, and haven't had any trouble finding targets. Usually, when I finally get to my partol area, targets are scarce. I've been assigned to the S. China Sea, and always have to reload/refuel at Darwin at least once, and as many as four times just to get to the partol area - I run out of torpedoes before getting anywhere near the area. Here's the cruise I usually take:

Freemantle ==> Darwin (top off fuel)
Darwin ==> Banda Sea via passage W. of Timor
Banda Sea between Buru and Ceram (targets around Ambon Island) ==> W. of Obi
Obi ==> Molucca Sea (targets transit between Halmahera and Celebes)
Molucca Sea ==> Celebes Sea (Choke Point in passage between Kema and islands)
Celebes Sea ==> Sulu Sea (Choke Point is passage W. of Tawi Tawi)
Sulu Sea ==> S. China Sea via Balabac Strait Choke Point or Minboro Strait
S. China Sea - Saigon/Camrahn Bay ==> Hong Kong/S. Formosa shipping lane

I have yet to even get to the S. China Sea without returning to Darwin at least once to reload. Most of the targets are unescorted single freighters or tankers. Life gets alot easier after you get RADAR installed.

Run Silent, Run Deep
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