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Old 08-12-09, 05:58 PM   #11
Join Date: Oct 2008
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I'm very sorry, but personally, X-Plane didn't pass the test.
Flight dynamics are cool, but they're the only truly thing worthy in this sim.
I've tried an IFR trip from Madrid to Alicante, but there are just not enough tools and info on-the-trip to make a decent flight.
So bad that FSX no longer works with sim-charts 3, but with a bit of GPS-tweaking (any idea of how can i move FSX's north magnetic pole to where it's on FS2004?) it still does it.
And so bad that FS2004 scenery is somewhat outdated now(no Terminal 4 on my loved Madrid-Barajas International), but i'll give it a try again and see how it looks on IFR flights
X-Plane would be good for "flight testing" and that stuff, but i don't know if that deserves 12gigs of hard disk space...
The only thing i'm really gonna miss is that only X-Plane has a decent carrier instrumental landing system. Anyway the F-4 sucks...
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