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Old 07-28-09, 06:53 AM   #206
Ace of the Deep
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Originally Posted by Schroeder View Post
I would have used newview as some sort of back up system if Track IR should become too much of a problem.
Anyway relocating it to the dead centre of my monitor made it work a lot better already. Still I have some troubles finding the correct settings that allow for a stable all round view. Especially during carrier landings I seem to move my head quite a bit which usually leads to a rough landing or even the loss of control. I completely lost my feeling for the planes and have to learn how to fly again.
BTW could you post a picture of your pitch and yaw settings? I just want to compare them to what I have here.
Sorry im unable to post images at the moment the proccess of packing all my pc's and stuff for storage due to an upcoming overhaul of my house.using a crappy pc ''minimal stuff on it''

I'm assuming your using the vector tracking,the clip with the reflective tape on? I use the default settings and when i get in a situation where my tracking goes a little wild when things are busy i hit the F12 key to centralize and everything goes back to normal.The same goes for the proclip. bear in mind though really sudden turns and shaking of the head in my case anyway can make the tracker get a little out of sorts with itself, a single tap on the F12 key sorts it, or the F7 key gives you a bit more precision its a bit slower though.

Just a thought maybe Dowly could post you a couple of scr.caps he uses T.I.R.

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