yes... I was playing around in il2 acouple of hours ago... in the pacific islands map... and thought... This (pic included at bottom.) looks kind of like a race track... so... I got an idea, what if over here at the helo sim boards we got some people together, and had a air race... well heres what I was thinking...
1 round... the P 51 race... everyone has to take the p 51d... and race against eatch other... being that everyone has the same plane, this race would be about skill... not speed...
2 round... The jet race, this race has everyone in jets.
3 round... This round is the one where everyone can fly what ever piston driven plane they want to... but theres a catch... you only have 50% fuel... which you have for all 5 laps...
4round (final round)... The live aamo race, this race it the one where you have to fight to get around, whoever gets around with there plane kind of intact. But there is one ruel about the plane you fly... it can not have cannons, to give everyboady a chance...
Ok, here are some more rules...
If you crash, you are out of that round... prepare for the next round.
everyone must line up on the lead plane at 2000m at 300kms before the race starts to keep it fair...
you cannot use modded planes, unless they came with the AAA ui 1.1.
Crashing into someone else is going to get you out of the race, unless it was an accident.
you must have the aaa ui 1.1 mod installed, smoke, and cockpit mods are fine.
So... is anyone intrested??? oah and the pics I was talking about...
(sorry for the crappy edit.)
The control tower is the finnish line...
But only one issue I can see... I cannot host a server... so someone else would have to..... anyone up for it if this actualy gets enough intrest?