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Old 07-10-09, 05:37 AM   #632
Sonar Guy
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Yeah....I have actually managed to implement it into campaign play, I have also added a snorchel and stuff like that and I am working on turning a copy of it into a Golf class......all of this is something I have done privately because I do not wish to offend the ones who made the real model, but if itīs okay with them then I would be willing to share it. It is full of faults though since I am not a professional at modding....Iīm still at the bungler stage

Regarding the very annoying and idioticly limited battery endurance I have made a lot of experimenting with this too since cold war boats were abel to stay submerged for days, some of them even weeks at low speeds. I have found out that:

a) altering the max submerged range in the sim file does not help unless you put in a rediculously high value like for example 100000 nm. Then you on the other hand get an unrealisticly high battery performance that will enable you to dive from New York and to Japan. Further more increasing the value will cause the batteries to get a tremendously high reloading time.

b) If the submarine is propelled by 2 shafts/propellors the submerged endurance is lousy BUT.....if propelled by only 1 propellor the sumberged endurance is app. think Iīm joking? No.....Itīs true. Maybe this phenomenon is some sort of attempt from Ubisoft to simulate the better performance of single propellor ships, because thatīs how it is in real life, the more propellors, the more speed yes, but lower fuel economy. If you on the other hand add a third propellor, like the 641 has got, the game will crash when you submerge.

At least all of this is how MY version of the game behave on MY computer

My solution has been to remove a propellor from the sub I play and then adding the hydrogen peroxide propulsion. in this way I get better submerged performance. The tricky part is that you have to remember to order full stop on all engines before switching between the propulsion systems otherwise the game will crash. Further more, it some times crashes any way when I recharge with the snorkel after many days of being submerged.

Well.......that was my erhm....contribution ......Iīd really like to see this mod up and running too

Especially I am interested in the Soviet cruise missile program....I would love to see a Juliett class added I have tried to make one myself, but I havenīt got the faintest clue on how to make the hull and the launcher system, right now I cannot even make the extra missile tubes that I want to add to the Golf Class working
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