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Old 06-28-09, 06:07 PM   #119
Join Date: May 2005
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Great news Gents,
After a fair while of inactivity over the pond our Rote section is once again preparing to stand as an active section operating missions in their own time zone.

It has been a while in the planning what with setup problems, personal issues and many more with all the others who have tried we have now got someone to the stage where he is able to host missions, has MLR installed and knows how it works and has had a basic run through on FMB and is currently training with Joint Ops to be a better CO-OP mission builder.

So everyone, please say a huge thanks to Randall H Klaue for stepping up and taking on this responsibility!

The last thing to get organised is to arrange when the best suitable time/day for the Rote (USA/CAN) section to be airborne is!
Please visit the thread found on the JG53 forums, if you are a Rote Staffel member of JG53 and give Klaue the best times that you are available to fly!
I hope to see a lot of you chaps who have been inactive for a while putting in your input to help you get flights that are in your time zone!

Also this is a great chance for pilots of other sections to have even more oppertunities to fly, so why not pop in and see how things are developing!

We are currently operating over
Smolensk and the Russians are putting up some extremely fierce resistance, so much so we are being pushed back by the Russian advances, Smolensk
probably has another month before it falls so we will be looking at our next theatre of operations very soon.

If you recieve this and no longer wish ot be a member, please contact me so that I can move you to the inactives and remove you from the mailing list, if you have been inactive for a while and still wish to be a member of the group please get in contact and let us know that you are OK and if possible a rough guess at when you will return. Participating in misions has been great the last few months, so you'll be mroe than welcome to join in on our exciting missions.

So, again, a bit of fantastic news that all of us can celebrate!

ARMA 3 Co-Op Battalion Recruiting Worldwide
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