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Old 06-10-09, 08:19 AM   #4
Stealth Hunter
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Originally Posted by HunterICX View Post
I know, but it is still a CFS
Although they're completely different otherwise.

Originally Posted by HunterICX
I was talking about MP games where the 32 player slots are taken up by players.
now you really think 32 players are going to be in 1 dogfight?
Like I said, have you read the Russians discussing the game? It's not uncommon to get that many people flying in one.

Originally Posted by HunterICX
unless the mapsize is small which I know it isnt your not going to see big furballs unless you play on both sides as teams and you confront at a certain point.
This screenshot is from an online match:

Originally Posted by HunterICX
Mid air spawns ruin everything IMO, take offs and landings are the trickiest and yet most fun parts of any Flightsims.
Even though it's a combat flight simulator?

Originally Posted by HunterICX
but I wasnt refering to that...its the time that you SPOT contacts (by this time probally dots) and the time for you to get there in a aircraft which isn't going really fast. by the time you reach the area where the fight has been going on since you spotted it might be long over.
And this is only reserved for WWI flight sims and/or Rise of Flight?

No. It comes with any CFS game you purchase. You're going to hit skirmishes and you're going to miss them. It's inevitable and comes with ANY online game (be it a tank simulator, aircraft simulator, or infantry simulator).

Originally Posted by HunterICX
How so? people in groups/clans/Jasta's play way better as a team then a bunch of people that are not related to eachother by any group including the Russians.
That's not always the case. We both know this. I've played plenty of online games over the years and have been able to cooperate effectively and efficiently with people not in clans. You have too...

Originally Posted by HunterICX
and I've played with them plenty of times in IL2 and other games.
Russian ROF players you mean?

Originally Posted by HunterICX
perhaps it's time to get some glasses?
Oh I already have some. See below for my elaboration.

Originally Posted by HunterICX
read the bold/italic/underline part REALLY carefully.
I did. That wasn't what I was asking you the first time, so let me ask again even more clearly.

What flightsim (be it a combat one or a leisure one) can compare to the details of ROF? What other can compare to it in terms of particle physics, historical accuracy, engine superiority, etc.?
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