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Old 04-28-09, 08:35 PM   #12
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Thank you. That was a very detailed answer and much appreciated.... now I have some more game related questions

1. Does the game calculations take into account that more than 1 ship could be firing on the same enemy, with the inherent problems for the spotters (AI?) trying to discern there shells from the other ship? will this throw the accuracy off?

2. Effective range for British range finders were about 15000yrds. above this range, Brit range finders read poorly. Does the game recognize this?

3. Do near misses cause hull damage? For example, a 1400lb shell with a muzzle velocity of approx. 2400fps hitting the water within 50 - 100 feet of the ship would cause a lot of pressure (and a 75ft water column).

4. Does the German accuracy fall off, in a lengthy engagement? I unfortunately haven't seen it happen, it got better if anything. This could be a perception thing.

As I wrote earlier, I can accept that ships, 18000yrds away sailing almost parallel to each other as well as moving at 21 knots, it would be difficult to place a salvo where the ship is going to be in approximately 25-30 seconds from now. Some of the predreadnoughts did get directors (King Edward Class), but I had hoped that the sheer numbers I had would be enough to annihlate the enemy. Guess not. Hopefully with these answers, I can figure out way to beat the Germans.

BTW I've had the same results with using QE class, Revenge class and HMS Canada vs. Helgoland and Westfalen classes. Brits got mauled. But I have also won as the British (same ships) with only loss being HMS Revenge, and only German survivor was SMS Posen. This last result was after some of the updates had been applied. In all cases, 'crappy' Brit shells turned off.

I think BC issues were a result of Fisher (design) and Beatty. HMS Tiger was about the best of them (in British Fleet). She was supposed to be a 4th Lion, ended up being more a 5th IJN Kongo. Tiger took a lot of hits at Jutland. Repaired in a little more than a month. But that's for a different discussion...

I have to agree, Tone's videos are great. His site offers lots of information on this subject. I set his site as my home page a couple of years ago.

Thanks again, keep up the good work!

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