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Old 04-16-09, 08:28 AM   #156
Join Date: Jan 2004
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Hi again,

please can someone help me, Iīve got problems keeping depth since I installed the mod. Pressing the "p", "d", or "A" keys or setting depth manually using the gauge just causes the sub to sink deeper and deeper. Only way to escape is hitting "e" (emergency blow) for several times. Is it possible that this is caused by the mod or just coincidence? I use stock SH4 1.5 U-Boat mission, clean and new install, no other mods.

Ups, just writing these lines I got Vikingerīs reply, thank you very much. Yes, I also think it must have to do with the roll and pitch mod, but if so, other people should have the same problems I have, donīt you think? Iīm a "SH veteran" and SH4 has always run smoothly with and without mods. Strange that all of a sudden this one super mod causes trouble. Can anyone confirm the diving problem?

Thanks for help,

Cheers, As
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. (Oscar Wilde)
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