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Old 03-24-09, 04:00 PM   #590
Franklin Van Valkenburg
Sailor man
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: The Virginia Military Institute
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Ok mates, the's pretty much finished at this point. Is there anyone that can take the 3DS Max model I've made and get it in-game?

To-Do List:
Pull the bow up a little to give the forward deck an upward slope.
Round off the top of the con tower's tail-end. Too much of a sharp angle. (Done)
Give the forward end of the con tower more of a bulbus shape. (Done)
Add the rail around the base of the con tower. [This one is proving a bit hard. I'll see what I can do.]
Pull the stern in a little. The hull looks too long. (Done)
Increase the beam further aft. It looks too tapered. (Done)
Pull in the bottom corner of the stern to let the rudder stick out just a little bit. (Done)
Edit the hull's tumblehome. The ballast tanks didn't quite hang on either side like saddlebags... give the hull a smoother appearance up top and round it off more at the keel. (Done)
Cut out the respective areas in the con for the crew, hatch, periscopes, radio antennas, and snorkel. (And the little windows in the front) (Done)
Add the tie-offs along the deck. [I looked at those pictures and realized that there wern't any.]
Actually cut out the missile silo hatches and create the missile silos in the con tower. (Done)
Cut out and model the torpedo tubes. (Done)

Any comments? I'm sure there are people out there that'll pick up on a detail that I need to add/fix.
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