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Old 03-01-09, 06:41 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by nikimcbee
What other (additional) things are there to see in that area?
As I said, Kiel itself is not a touristic hotspot. It is an administrative center, and many people say you see that. But in the vicinity of it is this:

Maybe not too interesting for international subsimmer's meetings, but just because you asked, Nik.

We visited that place twice when I was at elementary school in the late 70s, and I liked to be there. If I still would like it today, I honestly cannot say.

It is an open air museum of ancient farms and the way they used to run a village in the old days.

Attractive places in that northern part of Germany are the old town of Lübeck, of course, then the old town of Wismar (a mini-version of Lübeck), and Hamburg itself, although I did not spend too much time there to say that I really know it, I always was in a hurry. Flensburg also gets mentioned, but I don't know that, too. My urgent recommendation would be Lübeck. Those of you travelling by car should consider to take their time travelling the countryside - Schleswig-Holstein is not the most ugly part of Germany, especially the landscape along the coasts can be very idyllic. But the Hanseatic flair you maybe only get when taking some more time than just rushing in and out in one or two days.

Running to Kiel from Kopenhagen and back in one day, or moving from Hamburg to Kopenhagen and drop into Kiel while enroute, sounds like typical travelling stress to me. Take the possibility into account to reconsider those plans. Maybe that day moving around is better spend stationary - to discover the place of your ultimate destination more indepth - or is Kopenhagen and surrounding that unattractive? That's what I would do when being in your place. But maybe that's just me.
If you feel nuts, consult an expert.

Last edited by Skybird; 03-01-09 at 07:06 AM.
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