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Old 02-28-09, 02:26 AM   #19
Posts: n/a

Originally Posted by peabody
If you look in the 3D preview window, there is a whole row of stuff, but nothing looks like the cross in German, American or ships, or even the AI_senors.dat that is not in the folders (just in the library)
well back in october "Mikhayl" gave me this list of needed fixes:
Originally Posted by Mikhayl
It's difficult to draw a line between "issues" and "things that could be enhanced". Some people started "fixing things" and ended up with a 1.5GB supermod

anyway, in sensors.dat, sim, etc, for german boats :
-wrong axis of rotation for german KDB hydrophone (model needs to be turned 90° in a 3D studio and reimported)
-hydrophones can "hear" ships when your submarine is surfaced
-"biskaya kreuz" shouldn't be visible underwater, same for the UZO

i sent him a PM to try and get more info but heard nothing yet and its been quite a few days with no response so im flying blind here.

i'll post a general query in ATO thread and see if anyone speaks up. it has been very hard to get any kind of imput about the german side of the game.

when i do my next GFO that will be it forever, i wont be updating or anything because for it to work it needs to be left as is perminently or nobody will make mods based on it as a new stock but fully patched game files.
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