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Old 02-12-09, 04:14 PM   #9
Join Date: Jan 2009
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I can say the same things about trying to kill a tiger. It is impossible most of the time. From what I've been told it is based on physics unlike most games that are based on a die roll. So in my opinion you get more realistic outcomes.

Sometimes you pop a turret and start a Ronson in one shot sometimes you aim is just a bit off and you use up all your ammo. It is based on your expertise not some computer generated die roll. You hit the right spot and it goes kapow.

I wonder if on the real battle field the first time you encounter a new model of tank you know exactly where to hit it to make it blow. I think not, so I like the variability based on my skill (which is very bad).

Are there a lot of things that are fubared ... you bet. Only more people playing can cure that problem. For my money it is the only game that has keep my interest constantly for over 6 years and counting.

It's not for everybody that's for sure but if you want heart pounding action on a huge scale. Give it a try.

Of course I know that this is not the only true wargame but at least it got a discussion going.

Oh and sorry about tracking your tiger. I just love doing that.
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