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Old 01-21-09, 02:28 AM   #21
Sea Lord
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There is a difference between market and letting an entity crush another to a point where they can sell at prices to generate a cycle of growth that removes any chance of competition.

I like IBM and yes I want them to take AMD if it fails. But IBM is it. If it crushes intel it will be able to use the same price on X86s as their super business class Cpus. It would force the gov to do a breakup that would send shockwaves through the industry and harm stuff for a decade.

Thus is the reason we must support AMD. In these super hi tech days there is simply no way a smaller entity can compete there is no mom and pop x86 fab.

However, I will admit that only goes to a point. Already for advanced overclockers the Kuma is kicked to crap by the Intel 45nm.

I wont ask one to support AMD by buying another 65nm if Intel drops the price again with their sub 100 dollar 45nms

If they dont get a "Kuma II" AKA the same way Kumas are made except with the 45nm Phenom IIs Intel is going to crush their last remaining strongholds.

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