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EmZeD45 09-12-05 10:29 AM

What or how many Das Boot Versions are there / have you got?
Hi Fellow Sub Fans

Being a Fan of Sub Films / war films right from a kid - curled up on the setee next to my dad watching Run silent, Run Deep and Enemy Below on a black & white Tele, And asking, what was probably loads of annoying questions - (LOL my Lad does it to me now.) So as a long time fan I could not believe it when back in 1984, (By then just got my own house !) Here in the UK as alternative viewing to the Olympic games was a dramatisation about a German U-Boat - Das Boot, to be screened on BBC2 over three nights (no comercial breaks on this channel so make sure you go for a Pee before it starts :up: ). Each part being, One and a half hours long. Well I was in my element! Not being a sporting minded person and no satallite/ Cable TV and only 3 or 4 tarestrial channels - and No PC's to play on (I had a mattel intelivision games console back then - mmmm B-17 bomber! - oops I digress) there was not normally a lot else to watch :( . So what was being billed as the best most realistc sub story to be shown was going to be a breath of fresh air - or rather a breath of Bilge Oil, sweat and salt water. :yep:
Well having one of those new fangled VHS Video recorder thingies I not only watch it but recorded all 4 and a half ours of it. And it was the version in German with English Sub Titles, the best one in my opinion as it was screened some years later dubbed into English - Still good but - not as good, lacking a bit something I felt. A few years later (1986-ish maybe) Das Boot was available as a VHS release but I was disgusted to see it was chopped down to something a bit over 2 hours I think. Well I never bought it as I still had my 4 1/2 hours worth, (well being a sad git I recently re-checked it and it's run time is actually 257 mins allowing for 1 set of start and end titles - that's 4 hours and seventeen minutes in English money!)

So My point is after all this waffle - I just treated myself to the directors cut DVD version which boasts - extra footage. And yes it does there is footage in there that is not in the 257 mins I have already but at 200 mins run time the directors cut also still has a hell of a lot missing! No Naration off Lt Werner for a start - which I think really added to the atmoshphere of the film. A sneak attack by an allied plane after a few days out of port - in the directors cut it is mentioned when the Captain is going over U96's patrol log but you didn't get to see it. The bits with Ullman and Francoise is missing and her waving him off from a window over looking the U-boat pens. Johan is missing coming up to the bridge for some fresh air. 'Colien' whispering to 2nd officer to 'Alarm in 20 minutes' as a test - all missing to mention a few.

On the other hand in the directors cut, Thomsen throws up in the toilets at the party, and the party in general is extended a bit. Lt Werner gets an oily rag thrown in his face while taking pictures of the crew loading torpedos and there are some other bits and pieces - and the dialog seems altered a bit - like its a slightly different version of a scene :hmm:

So what versions have you all got out there - the directors cut the same as here in the uk? (available in widescreen and 4:3 versions)
anybody else got a recording from an original TV transmission? did a different version get shown over in the States? Europe? What I would like is a DVD version of the whole lot put together - like that's ever going to happen :damn: Trouble is once these VHS tapes get old...... oh I don't want to think about it - it's too horrible! :doh:

Sorry if I have gone on a bit too much - but I would be interested hear you opinions and find out what you have out there? after all it is a film very dear to our hearts I am sure :rock:


Floater 09-12-05 11:19 AM

I've got the Director's Cut version and the "uncut" version, both on DVD. The latter probably is the same as your TV tapes, but edited together to make one, very long film. And I agree, it's mostly better than the Director's Cut version.

Kapitan 09-12-05 11:46 AM


Kapitan 09-12-05 11:47 AM


gdogghenrikson 09-12-05 09:41 PM

I had the directors cut, but I liked the movie so much I gave it too a friend and baught the uncut version

EmZeD45 09-13-05 05:19 AM

Cheers for the replies - where do you get the un-cut version?- I have never seen it on the shelves over here in the uk. what is the run-time of the un-cut version? if anyone could be so kind as to take a look at the back of there DVD box for me, and if anyone has info like if it is still available now and where from. That would make me a happy bunny. :up:

Once again cheers


gdogghenrikson 09-13-05 05:42 AM

I bought my uncut version at a store called Boarders. The uncut version is just under 5 hrs long

Floater 09-13-05 07:29 AM

I got my copy on eBay, but Amazon UK stock it too.

EmZeD45 09-13-05 10:38 AM

Cheers guys - I have just found it too on for £9.99 it's advertised as a mini series version approx 5 hours so that must be it. I never realised it was available but I 'm damn glad it is Yeh! :rock: I will check out the amazon price too Thanks for that.
BTW, I noticed while looking at that the directors cut has been released in the new superbit encoded version for super high quality picture, so just over 3 hours worth uses 2 discs! (hmm I wonder if the longer version will get the superbit treatment - not sure if I would be keen to have to swap discs part way through though! :down: )

Cheers again guys

Sailor Steve 09-13-05 02:08 PM

You'll have to swap discs with the "Uncut" version anyway-it comes on two. Funny part is, disc one is only two hours long, while disc two contains the three final hours PLUS all the goodies.

I have the original theatrical release (English dubbed) on VHS, the Director's Cut on VHS (had it on DVD as well, but I gave it to someone even poorer than I am) and the "Original, Uncut Version" on DVD. The Director's cut has better subtitles, the the longest version is still the best.

Hellcat 10-04-05 08:58 PM

In your guys opinion which is the best cut of the film, I've read various reviews which state that the uncut verison only adds padding to Director's cut of the film. These reviewers maintain the that the Director's cut is the ultimate verison of the film. I currently only own the Director's on VHS and was considering the DVD uncut since I finally took the plunge to buy a logitech 5.1 system for the compy.


Kaleun 10-05-05 04:22 AM


There is also the book - the best version of all in my opinion, as all the film versions miss sections of the book out!


Floater 10-05-05 08:25 AM

IMO the "uncut" version is well worth buying, even if you've already got the Director's cut. It's not just "padding" that's in there.

vienna 10-05-05 01:02 PM

The versions I know of thus far:

1. Directors Cut (Commentary, "Making of" Featurette)

2. Directors Cut (Superbit High Definition, No Extras)

3. Original Uncut (Featurette Only)

The film is also part of a box set to commemorate the end of WWII set for release in the US on 10/25/05. (The other films in the box are "Anzio" & "The Caine Mutiny"; it also contains an History Channel documentary on U-Boats titled "Dead Men's Secrets: Secrets of the Sea Wolves")

Capn Tucker 11-28-05 11:52 AM

Get the "Uncut" version! Yeah, the subtitles aren't as good as the Director's cut version, but you get 2 more hours of U-boat goodness with the uncut. Lot's of never before seen stuff if you've only seen the US theater version or director's cut...

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